Aga Khan University Examination Board
Notes from E-Marking Centre on SSC II Computer Science Examination May 2016
- Introduction
- This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of SSC II (Class X) ComputerScience.
- It contains comments on candidates’ responses to the 2016 Secondary School Certificate(SSC-II) Examination, indicating the quality of the responses and highlighting their relative strengthsand weaknesses.
This includes overall comments on candidates’ performance on every question and some specific
examples of candidates’ responses which support the mentioned comments. Please note that the
descriptive comments represent an overall perception of the better and weaker responses as gathered
from the e-marking session. However, the candidates’ responses shared in this document represent
some specific example(s) of the mentioned comments.
Better responses defined the term pseudocode as a false code which could not be compiled by any
machine/ a step-by-step solution to a problem which contains plain English statements, mathematical
notations and some keywords/ pseudocode is one of the types of algorithm to write down basic logic
of the an actual program.
Moreover, such responses stated advantages of pseudocode including, no need to compile or execute a
pseudocode/ less chances of error in the actual program/ no need to obey syntax rules/ a clear and
simple illustration of the programming steps and logic/ no computer language is required to write
pseudocode/ it helps to focus on program logic rather than focusing on the syntactical descriptions of
a specific programming language.
Weaker responses were unable to define pseudocode correctly and most of the responses stated
pseudocode as programming code. These responses mentioned that pseudocode is a computer program/
GWBASIC program or it is input given to computer program by user to process. These responses also
stated the inappropriate advantages of pseudocode and most of the advantages were written for
programming languages/ GW BASIC instead of pseudocode.